The Manassas Woman’s Club of Manassas- Education Committee has adopted a few classrooms. The first classroom is an 8th grade- English Class. These students face a lot of food insecurity and are not able to have their basic necessities met. The teacher of our classroom has seen this need and offers a Care Closet. In her Care Closet she provides basic supplies and food and snacks that students can get anytime they are in need. Many students come to her before and after school to go shopping in her care closet. All this teacher asks is that after they go shopping, they take a Kindness Card. The Kindness Card means the students have to pay the kindness forward to others, as generous donors have supplied them items for the Care Closet. GFWC collected 4 boxes of supplies to donate to the Care Closet. Items included: deodorants, toothpastes, toothbrushes, flossers, soaps, shampoos, conditioners, women’s products, socks, brushes, hair ties, ChapSticks, Kleenex, juice boxes, pretzels, and other snacks.
The other 2 two classrooms we adopted were teachers for whom this was their first year teaching in the United States- a Kindergarten and 4th grade classroom. GFWC collected a multi-purpose mobile teaching easel, chart paper, flex-space carpets, paper, composition books, colored pencils, scissors, dry erase markers, rulers, backpacks, pencil sharpeners, pens, erasers, glue, notecards, folders, charts, stickers, and a wall poster.
