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About Us


In 1926, The Woman’s Club of Manassas was established and the following year the club joined the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC). As the years have gone by, the club has evaluated and addressed the needs of our community.  Projects in the Arts, Education & Libraries, Environment, Health & Wellness, and Civic Engagement are varied. 


The club can be credited with founding the Prince William Hospital Auxiliary and the first public library in Prince William County.  The club has been instrumental in raising funds for the restoration of the Southern Railway Caboose in Old Town, restoration and furnishings of Liberia Plantation, and the Nativity Scene at Nelson Park. 

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to support the Manassas community through service. We believe an effort made for others lifts us above ourselves. 


As part of the GFWC, we are a non-denominational, non-partisan, non-profit organization of volunteer women. We are mothers, daughters, business and civic leaders, and women of diverse backgrounds – all who work locally to create change by supporting the arts, preserving natural resources, advancing education, promoting healthy lifestyles, and encouraging civic involvement.

The Manassas Women's Club is a proud member of General Federation of Women’s Clubs and the General Federation of Women’s Club of Virginia.

Club Officers

  • President – Susan Morabito

  • Second Vice President – Kait Anderson

  • Secretary – Phyllis Maggio

  • Treasurer – Robin Armentrout


On Sunday June 09, 2024 GFWC Manassas members gathered at the City Tavern in Manassas, VA to enjoy fellowship and good food, elect and induct our officers, and approve the 2024-2025 budget. Thanks to Emily Maroon and her committee for the lovely afternoon you planned for us.

As a non-profit, all club functions are paid by the individual members. No club funds are used.

Helping Hands

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